Please call ahead to make sure the event is still scheduled. The ABG attempts to keep up to date but cannot guarantee accuracy. Thank you.
Mondays-Fridays, 8am-4pm, Tazewell County Food Bank for Veterans, 17 S. Capitol, Pekin. Info: 477-2271.
2nd Mondays, Mackinaw Lions meet, 6:30 p.m. Info: 309-840-5893.
1st & 3rd Wednesdays, Eureka Greater Area Kiwanis meetings, 12:30pm. Call 309-261-5910 for meeting location.
Wednesdays, Central IL Cribbage Club meeting, Bartonville, 5:30pm. Beginners welcome. Text 309-696-9913 for location/info.
Thursdays, Bingo, Morton K of C Hall, meal 4:30, bingo 6:00.
Fridays, 7:30pm, AA meetings, Municipal Bldg, Mackinaw.
2nd Saturdays: Allentown Hall Sunshine Breakfast, 7-10am.
Sunday, October 20, Bird Fair, 11am-4pm, Pekin Moose Lodge, 2605 Broadway. Nail & beak trims available. Public welcome, $3 admission. Vendors: Contact John, 309-642-5673 to reserve a table.
Thursday, October 31, Mackinaw Halloween Event, Mackinaw Fire Station, 5-7pm. Costume contest ages 0-18 years, 6-7pm.
To advertise a not-for-profit organization's activity, mail or e-mail information 3-4 weeks in advance to: Area Buyers Guide, P.O. Box 358, Mackinaw, IL 61755 (
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